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Electrocardiographic Features of Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation
울산대학교 서울아산병원¹ 가톨릭대학교 여의도성모병원² 경북대학교병원³ 고려대학교 구로병원⁴대구가톨릭대학교병원5 부산대학교 양산병원6 서울대학교병원7 성균관대학교 삼성서울병원8 연세대학교 신촌세브란스병원9 한마음병원10 한서병원11
김성환¹, 남기병¹ 이만영2 조용근³ 임홍의⁴이영수5 김준6 최의근7 오세일7 최윤식7 온영근8 김준수8 정보영9 박희남9 이문형9 김성순9 조대경10 이동일11 김기훈1 최기준1 김유호1
Background: Clinical and electrocardiographic (ECG) features of ventricular fibrillation (VF) in the absence of structural heart disease remain imprecise. Methods: We analyzed ECG features of 83 case subjects with idiopathic VF (IVF) from 11 centers in Korea. IVF was diagnosed after exclusion of structural heart disease, coronary artery spasm and other known channelopathies. Atypical Brugada syndrome (BS) was defined as BS ECG pattern that failed to satisfy the proposed diagnostic criteria of BS. Early repolarization was defined as J point elevation in two consecutive inferior or lateral lead with ≥ 1mm ST segment elevation. Results: 1. Seventy three men and 10 women were included with a mean age of 45±14 years. The baseline ECGs remote from VF episodes in patients with IVF were atypical BS in 18, early repolarization in 29, right precordial J wave in 21, male pattern ST elevation in V1 to V3 in 12, completely normal ECG without any J wave in 3. 2. During follow-up period, dynamic J wave change was recorded in 33 (40%) patients with IVF. 3. The magnitudes of dynamic J wave were variable. 4. All these features were transient, and many of the atypical BS, early repolarization, right precordial J wave, and male pattern ST elevation patients just showed “normal” ECG pattern until the typical accentuation of ER pattern of appearance of prominent J waves. Conclusion: ECG features of patients with IVF include atypical BS, inferolateral early repolarization, right precordial J wave, and male pattern ST elevation. J wave augmentation may be a common denominator.


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