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Impact of Diabetes on Six-Month Angiographic and Twelve-Month Clinical Outcomes following Chronic Total Occlusion Intervention with Drug-eluting Stents
고려대학교 구로병원 순환기내과¹, 을지병원 심장내과², Cardiology Department, the Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China³, Cardiology Department, Nankai Hospital, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China⁴
나승운¹, Kanhaiya L. Poddar¹, Meera Kumari¹, 박지영², 최병걸¹, Sureshkumar Ramasamy¹, Kang Yin Chen³, Yong Jian Li⁴, 김연경¹, 나진오¹, 최철웅¹, 임홍의¹, 김진원¹, 김응주¹, 박창규¹, 서홍석¹, 오동주¹
Background: Chronic total occlusion (CTO) intervention is still challenging because of the limited procedural success rate and higher target failure. It is not clear whether diabetes mellitus (DM) will significantly impact on angiographic and clinical outcomes in CTO patients (pts) treated with drug eluting stents (DES). Methods: A total of 225 pts underwent CTO intervention with DESs were divided according to presence of DM (DM: n=74 pts, non-DM: n=151 pts). Six-month angiographic and twelve-month clinical outcomes were compared between the two groups. Results: The baseline clinical characteristics were balanced except more elderly pts (62.4±8.6 vs. 59.2±11.5, p=0.022) and hypertensives (74.6% vs. 60.3%, p=0.038) in the DM group. The overall procedural success rate was similar between the two groups (95.9% vs. 94.0%, p=0.543). Procedural characteristics and procedure related complications including perforation and dissection were not different between the two groups. At 6 months, the incidence of binary restenosis was higher in the DM group. However, the major clinical outcomes including death, Q-MI, repeat revascularization and major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) were similar between the two groups up to 12 months (Table). Conclusions: Despite the higher incidence of binary restenosis in DM group at 6 months, overall safety profile and major clinical outcomes were similar between the two groups, possibly due to high success rate of CTO intervention at index procedure. Long-term follow up with larger population will be necessary to elucidate final conclusion.

Table. Six-month Angiographic and 12-month Clinical Outcomes

  Variables, n (%)


(n = 74 pts)


(n = 151  pts)

  P Value

6-Month Angiographic FU

27/74 (36.5)

54 / 151 (35.8)

Binary restenosis

10 (38.5)

11 (20.8)


FU MLD(mm, mean ± SD)




Late loss (mm, mean ± SD)





12-month Clinical Outcomes


69/74 (93.2)


142/151 (94.0)

Total death

0 (0.0)

5 (3.5)


Cardiac death

0 (0.0)

3 (2.1)


Q-wave MI

0 (0.0)

1 (0.7)



8 (11.6)

11 (7.9)



9 (13.0)

14 (10.0)


Total MACE

11 (15.9)

20 (14.1)



9 (13.0)

19 (13.4)




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