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Efficacy of Drug Eluting Stent for Treatment of Drug-Eluting Stent In-Stent Restenosis: Korean In-Stent ReStenosis Multicenter Study (KISS)
연세의대 세브란스병원¹, 고려의대 안암병원², 국립보험공단일산병원³, 전남의대⁴, 인제의대 부산백병원 5, 세종병원6, 원광의대 7, 울산의대 아산병원 8, 한림의대 강남성심병원 9, 계명의대 동산병원 10, 외 10개병원
고영국¹, 장양수¹, 임도선², 양주영³, 정명호⁴, 김두일 5, 유철웅 6, 윤경호7, 박승정8, 조정래9, 허승호10, KISS Invetigators
Background: Standard treatment of in-stent restenosis (ISR) which occurs after implantation of drug-eluting stents (DES) is still not established. We investigated clinical outcomes after treatment of DES ISR with implantation of another DES versus balloon angioplasty alone in a retrospective multicenter registry cohort. Methods: The study cohort included a total of 825 patients (565 males, age 63.1±19.7 years) with DES ISR treated either with DES (n=440) or with balloon angioplasty alone (n=385). We compared clinical outcomes between the two groups. The mean follow-up duration was 726.0±443.4 days. The primary endpoint was the incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) which included all cause death, myocardial infarction (MI), target vessel revascularization (TVR). Results: Baseline clinical characteristic were similar between the two groups. However, in the DES group the initial DES which developed ISR had larger diameter (3.2±0.6 vs. 3.0±0.4 mm, p<0.001) and shorter lesion length (25.3±7.5 vs. 29.0±11.2 mm, p<0.001) compared with the Balloon group. There was no difference in the ISR pattern between the two groups. The cumulative survival free of MACE at 2 years was 85.0% vs. 77.3% (Log-Rank, p=0.003). The risk of death, MI, or TVR did not differ between the two groups. Further subgroup analyses showed no difference in clinical outcomes between Cypher versus Taxus stent or between conventional balloon versus Cutting balloon for the treatment of DES ISR. Conclusions: The use of additional DES was more effective in the treatment of DES ISR compared with balloon angioplasty alone. However, choice of DES seems to be less important in the treatment of DES ISR.
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