2010년 10월 9일 (토)
제7회의장 기초연구-혈관

기초연구4 14:30~15:30 : 김동운,박현영
 406  14:30~14:42 Exercise Training Stimulates Ischemia-Induced Neovascularization via Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase/Akt-Dependent Hypoxia-Induced Factor-1α Reactivation in Mice of Advanced Age
....................나고야의대 순환기내과¹ , 경희대학교병원 순환기내과²
........Xian Wu Cheng¹ ², 김 원², 이소라², 장현희² , Masafumi Kuzuya¹ , Toyoaki Murohara¹ , 김권삼²
 407  14:42~14:54 Heat shock protein 27 plays a pivotal role in anoikis and its phosphorylation and oligomerization pattern might be a biomarker for the prognosis of atherosclerosis
....................Dept. of Cardiology, Samsung Medical Center and Center for Clinical Research, Samsung Biomedical Research Institute¹, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine²
........Ji-Yeun Lee¹, Joo Yun Kim¹, Jo Woon Yi Lee¹, Bok-Soo Lee¹,²* and Jeong Euy Park¹,²*
 408  14:54~15:06 High glucose induces aberrant vessel growth due to disturbed Notch signaling via upregulated jagged-1
....................서울대학교 병원 순환기 내과
........최영은, 윤창환, 최재일, 고석진, 김효수, 박영배
 409  15:06~15:18 Fimasartan, new angiotensin receptor blocker, normalized blood pressure in arteriosclerotic rat
....................삼성생명과학연구소¹ 관동의대 제일병원²
........박영미¹, 박정배²
 410  15:18~15:30 Carrageenan-induced thrombosis is associated with TLR-4 activation.
....................고려대학교 구로병원 순환기내과¹
........백희진¹, 서홍석¹,김응주¹,김연경¹,나진오¹,최철웅¹,나승운¹,박창규¹,오동주¹


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