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2016년 심혈관 춘계통합학술대회 제8회 아시아 · 태평양 심부전 학술대회


[KSIC 4] Apr. 20 (Sat.) 13:10-14:40 104 (1F)
Debates in Medical Treatments Other than Antithrombotic Treatment after PCI
Chairperson(s)윤정한, 채인호
Panel 김원, 김중선, 남창욱, 양태현, 우종신, 홍영준
13:10-13:22 Statin: High Dose Statin vs. Ezetimibe Combination? 김병극 / 연세의대
13:22-13:34 Beta Blocker after AMI: How Much, How Long, Which Drug, and in Which Patients? 박진주 / 서울의대
13:34-13:46 RAS Inhibitors: In Every Patients or Only in Hypertensive Patients? 박근호 / 조선의대
13:46-13:58 Antihyperglycemic Agents: Which Drugs and How Intensive? 정영훈 / 경상의대
13:58-14:10 Antianginal Medications: Which Drugs and in Which Patients? 배장환 / 충북의대
14:10-14:40 Discussion

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