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대한심장학회 관련 사이트

2020 춘계심혈관 통합학술대회 : 2020 Annual Spring Scientific Conference of the KSC with Affiliated Cardiac Societies

대한심장학회 | 대한부정맥학회 | 대한소아심장학회 | 대한심부전학회 | 대한심혈관중재학회 | 순환기의공학회 | 심장대사증후군학회 | 한국심초음파학회 | 한국지질.동맥경화학회

  • 일시 : 2020.4.17(Fri.) ~ 18(Sat.)
  • 장소 : HICO, Gyeongju, Korea

학회별 일정

[Hypertension] July 3(Fri.) 09:30-11:00 Rm. 102
BP Measurement
Chairperson(s)채성철, 편욱범
Panel 유승기, 임상현, 조은주
09:30-09:50 Office BP Measurement in Non-mercury Era 신진호 / 한양의대
09:50-10:10 Automated Office BP (AOBP) 박성하 / 연세의대
10:10-10:30 Out-of-office BP 이해영 / 서울의대
10:30-10:50 New Technology to Measure BP 서종모 / 서울대학교
10:50-11:10 Discussion
[Cross Specialty: Gastroenterology & Intervention] July 3(Fri.) 09:30-11:00 Rm. 103
Bleeding Issues in Cardiovascular Disease
Chairperson(s)김기식, 권현철
Panel 김병극, 박재형, 임영효, 한승환
09:30-09:50 How to Identify High Bleeding Risk Patients? 정영훈 / 경상의대
09:50-10:10 Mechanisms and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Bleeding after Antithrombotic Therapy 국형돈 / 고려의대
10:10-10:30 Management and Prevention of Stress Ulcers in the Intensive Care Unit 이왕수 / 중앙의대
10:30-10:50 What Cardiologists Need to Know about Hematologic Bleeding Disorders! 변자민 / 서울의대
10:50-11:00 Discussion
[Myocardial Infarction 1] July 3(Fri.) 09:30-11:00 Rm. 203
Pharmacotherapy in AMI; Meet the Expert
Chairperson(s)정명호, 박헌식
Panel 김원, 박종선, 배장환, 안영근, 이봉렬, 장기육
09:30-09:50 My Ideal Antithrombotic Strategy after AMI 박용휘 / 경상의대
09:50-10:10 From ACE Inhibition to ARNI; My Approach in Patients with AMI with Severe LV Dysfunction 윤창환 / 서울의대
10:10-10:30 Statin, Ezetimibe, PCSK-9 Inhibitor: My Approach for Optimal LDL-C Reduction Following AMI 이상엽 / 충북의대
10:30-10:50 My Glycemic Strategies to Reduce Risk Following AMI in Diabetes 김민철 / 전남의대
10:50-11:00 Discussion
[교육수련위원회 주관 세션] July 3(Fri.) 09:30-11:00 Rm. 205
순환기 내과 전임의 수련 개선 포럼
Chairperson(s)나승운, 고영국
외부 Panel : 강동오, 라모니
지정토론자: 김진진, 박상호, 이진배, 장세용, 진정연, 최철웅
14:50-15:10 순환기 전임의 및 분과장 설문조사 결과 요약 김진배 / 경희의대
15:10-15:30 국내 전임의 수련 모범사례 김미나 / 고려의대
15:30-15:50 해외 전임의 수련 시스템 소개 한성욱 / 계명의대
15:50-16:20 Discussion
[Cross Specialty: Neurology & Intevention & Imaging] July 3(Fri.) 11:10-12:40 Rm. 102
PFO Closure, Embolic Cerebral Infarction during Intervention
Chairperson(s)김종성, 임도선, 박태호
Panel 박경우, 장준영, 황양하
11:10-11:25 Stroke in Patients Undergoing Endovscular Procedure: Incidence, Predictors, Outcome and Therapeutic Options 이준 / 영남의대
11:25-11:40 Which PFO Should Be Treated or Not Treated?: Optimal Indication with Imaging Concept 이승아 / 울산의대
11:40-11:55 My Best or Worst Cases with Device Closure for PFO 서정원 / 서울의대
11:55-12:10 Neurological Complications with TAVR and Its Prevention 강도윤 / 울산의대
12:10-12:25 Stroke Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Influence of Access Site Choice and Procedural Consideration 황양하 / 경북의대
12:25-12:40 Discussion
[Women Heart Disease] July 3(Fri.) 11:10-12:40 Rm. 103
Cardio-metabolic Disease in Women
Panel 박용현, 변영섭, 신미승, 윤현주
11:10-11:30 Obesity and Heart 김현진 / 한양의대
11:30-11:50 Healthy Diet for Heart 신성희 / 인하의대
11:50-12:10 Sleep and Heart 나진오 / 고려의대
12:10-12:30 Physical Exercise on Cardio-metabolic Outcomes 박혁진 / 전남의대
12:30-12:40 Discussion
[Special Session] COVID-19 & Cardiovascular Disease July 3(Fri.) 11:10-12:40 Rm. 202
COVID-19 Pandemic and Cardiovascular Disease
Chairperson(s)백상홍, 권현철
Panel 권기태, 박찬석, 정동식, 정중화
11:10-11:30 Anatomy of the Pandemic 권유욱 / 서울의대
11:30-11:50 Viral Infection and the Heart 김인철 / 계명의대
11:50-12:10 Cardiovascular Diseases as Risk Factors of COVID-19: Fact or Misinterpretation? 이장훈 / 경북의대
12:10-12:30 RAAS and COVID-19 Conundrum - Friend or Foe? 박성하 / 연세의대
12:30-12:40 Discussion
[Adult Congenital Heart Disease 1] July 3(Fri.) 11:10-12:40 Rm. 203
Should We Close This Small Hole? - Why, When, and How?
Panel 박정랑, 신유림, 양동헌, 이주희
11:10-11:28 Small Subarterial VSD with Mild AR 은영민 / 연세의대
11:28-11:46 Small ASD with Moderate Pulmonary Hypertension 박재형 / 충남의대
11:46-12:04 Small PDA with/without Murmur 장기영 / 고려의대
12:04-12:40 Discussion
[English Session] [Epidemiology] July 3(Fri.) 11:10-12:40 Rm. 205
Psycho-social Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease
Chairperson(s)Jang-Whan Bae, Hyeon Chang Kim
Panel Jin Yong Hwang
11:10-11:40 Psychosocial Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease in Japan Hiroyasu Iso / Osaka University, Japan
11:40-11:55 Depression and Cardiovascular Disease Result in Epidemidogy Sun Jae Jung / Yonsei Univ., Korea
11:55-12:10 Job-stress and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Hyung Ryul Kim / Catholic Univ., Korea
12:10-12:25 Socioeconomic Status and Cardiovascular Disease Jidong Sung / Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea
12:25-12:40 Discussion
Scientific Session [Amgen] July 3(Fri.) 12:45-13:25 Rm. 102
An Ideal Lipid Management with Evolocumab in Very High-risk Patients
Chairperson(s)구본권, 배장환
12:45-13:00 How to Use Evolocumab in Patients with FH 이상학 / 연세의대
13:00-13:15 Guideline Based Intensive Lipid Lowering Treatment in ASCVD Patients 김원 / 경희의대
13:15-13:25 Discussion
Scientific Session [MSD] July 3(Fri.) 12:45-13:25 Rm. 103
Protecting Coronary Patients in the Future
12:45-13:15 The Benefit of Ezetimibe/atorvastatin Combination Therapy in Coronary Risk Patients with Hypercholesterolemia 박경우 / 서울의대
13:15-13:25 Discussion
Scientific Session [Samjin] July 3(Fri.) 12:45-13:25 Rm. 105
Recent Updates on Cardiovascular Disease Management
12:45-13:05 Long-term Outcomes of Clopidogrel in ACS 이봉기 / 강원의대
13:05-13:25 All NOACs Are Same? 이광노 / 아주의대
Scientific Session [Bayer] July 3(Fri.) 12:45-13:25 Rm. 203
Rivaroxaban, One Step Further for Patient Protection
Chairperson(s)김영대, 최기준
12:45-13:05 Considering Optimal Dose of Rivaroxaban for Specific Patients in Korea 최의근 / 서울의대
13:05-13:25 Recent Advances in Treatment of High Risk CAD and PAD 김병극 / 연세의대
Scientific Session [Boryung] July 3(Fri.) 12:45-13:25 Rm. 205
What's New in CVD Risk Management
Chairperson(s)전은석, 오용석
12:45-13:05 Future Directions for Treatment into LDL Lowering and Antihypertensive 이해영 / 서울의대
13:05-13:25 Outcomes after Use of Low-dose NOAC in Patients with AF 김태훈 / 연세의대
Diamond Session [Pfizer/BMS] July 3(Fri.) 12:45-13:25 Rm. 300C
Strategies to Optimize Management of ASCVD
Chairperson(s)장기육, 김대혁
12:45-13:05 Broaden Understanding Why Atorvastatin Is Enough to Control the LDL-C and Secondary Prevention for ASCVD 김원장 / 차의대
13:05-13:25 What Is the Optimal Treatment Solution for Stroke Prevention in Elderly Population? 김성환 / 가톨릭의대
[Memorial Lecture] July 3(Fri.) 13:25-13:40 Rm. 300C
13:40-13:55 윤해병 교수님 회고 윤호중 / 가톨릭의대
13:55-14:15 Aspirin Free DAPT (TICO Trial) 장양수 / 연세의대
14:15-14:30 Discussion
[Myocardial Infarction 2] July 3(Fri.) 14:30-16:00 Rm. 203
STEMI Challenges in 2020
Panel 김웅, 나득영, 서존, 조진만, 황진용
14:30-14:50 How to Expedite Coronary Artery Reperfusion: Walk-in, Arrival by Ambulance, Inter-hospital Transfer 이장훈 / 경북의대
14:50-15:10 Evidence-based Optimal Antithrombotic Therapy before, during, and after Primary PCI for STEMI 박근호 / 조선의대
15:10-15:30 No Reflow & Intraprocedural Arrest during Primary PCI: How to Prevent It and How to Fix It 허정호 / 고신의대
15:30-15:50 How to Manage ECMO in CCU after Cardiogenic Shock: from Start to Weaning 양정훈 / 성균관의대
15:50-16:00 Discussion
[Basic Research 1] July 3(Fri.) 14:30-16:00 Rm. 205
Understanding Basics of Cardiovascular Research
Chairperson(s)안영근, 권기환
Panel 김용숙, 민필기, 임상현, 홍순준
14:30-14:50 디지털 PCR의 기초와 혈액 및 조직을 이용한 분석방법 박진영 / BioRad
14:50-15:10 Preclinical Study Using Large Animal: Application of Pig 임경섭 / 한국생명공학연구원
15:10-15:30 심혈관연구를 위한 신소재 활용 이재영 / 광주과학기술원
15:30-16:00 Discussion
[Adult Congenital Heart Disease 2] July 3(Fri.) 16:10-17:40 Rm. 203
Pulmonary Vasodilator in Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Chairperson(s)손대원, 박승우
Panel 박준빈, 윤현주, 이미래, 장우성
16:10-16:28 Fontan Circulation and Pulmonary Vasodilator 강이석 / 성균관의대
16:28-16:46 Pulmonary Vasodilators in Non-Eisenmenger CHD Patients 김경희 / 세종병원
16:46-17:04 Eisenmenger Syndrome and Pulmonary Vasodilator 최정현 / 부산의대
17:04-17:22 Pulmonary Vasodilator during Postoperatative Period 김여향 / 경북의대
17:22-17:40 Discussion
[Basic Research 2] July 3(Fri.) 16:10-17:40 Rm. 205
Strategies for Cardiovascular Research
Chairperson(s)조명찬, 정진옥
Panel 김민철, 박훈준, 배장환, 이찬주, 팽진철
16:10-16:30 기초연구를 위한 연구 포트폴리오 만들기 최종일 / 고려의대
16:30-16:50 특허검색 및 활용전략 송영훈 / 특허정보진흥센터
16:50-17:10 심혈관 질환 연구를 위한 HIRA 빅데이터의 이해와 활용방법 권의정 / 건강보험심사평가원
17:10-17:40 Discussion
[Cross Specialty: Cardiogenic Shock] July 4(Sat.) 09:00-10:30 Rm. 102
Current and Future Perspectives in Cardiogenic Shock
Chairperson(s)권현철, 강석민
Panel 안철민, 양정훈, 장우진
09:00-09:20 Is Coronary Revascularization in HF Necessary? If Yes, When and Which One(Surgical vs. Percutaneous Approach) 이장훈 / 경북의대
09:20-09:40 Limit of Medical Tx and MCS in Cardiogenic Shock. When to Start and Which One to Start? 서석민 / 가톨릭의대
09:40-10:00 Optimal Timing for Durable Cardiac Replacement Therapy 최진오 / 성균관의대
10:00-10:20 What Are the Hidden Challenges That Intensivists Encoutner in ICU? 김민석 / 울산의대
10:20-10:30 Discussion
[Vascular] July 4(Sat.) 09:00-10:30 Rm. 105
Early Detection of Vascular Disease, Keeping Vascular Health
Chairperson(s)하종원, 정해억
Panel 이찬주, 임상현, 조은주
09:00-09:20 Old and New Biomarkers of Vascular Risk and Inflammation 이해영 / 서울의대
09:20-09:40 Recent Update of Coronary Calcium Score 조익성 / 연세의대
09:40-10:00 Carotid Mechanical Function Beyond IMT and Plaques 김성애 / 한림의대
10:00-10:20 Venous Function Beyond Deep Vein Thrombosis 심지영 / 연세의대
10:20-10:30 Discussion
[KSCP-KSC Joint Session 1] July 4(Sat.) 09:00-10:30 Rm. 202
COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease
Chairperson(s)박성하, 김현창
Panel 김신우, 김창수, 박윤수, 하진
09:00-09:20 중국과 한국에서의 COVID-19 역학과 임상증상 김동현 / 한림의대
09:20-09:40 COVID-19가 심혈관계에 미치는 영향 (ACE2, Acute Cardiac Injury, Chronic Cardiovascular Damage, Pre-existing CVD) 배장환 / 충북의대
09:40-10:00 여행 제한이 COVID-19의 전파에 미치는 영향 옥진주 / 가톨릭의대
10:00-10:30 Discussion
[Cardio-Oncology] July 4(Sat.) 09:00-10:30 Rm. 205
Current Status of Cardio-Oncology Research in Korea
Chairperson(s)민창기, 신미승
Panel 손일석
09:00-09:15 Multimodal Imaging in the Era of Cardio-oncology: An Additional Role of Myocardial Work 최자연 / 고려의대
09:15-09:30 Cardiovascular Radiation Theraphy 김미나 / 고려의대
09:30-09:45 Recent Research Interests in Cardio-oncology: Medical Oncologists Perspectives 이윤규 / 성균관의대
09:45-10:00 Carfilzomib-Induced Cardiovascular Events 이유진 / 울산의대
10:00-10:30 Discussion
[Cross Specialty: Arrhythmia & Heart Failure & Intervention] July 4(Sat.) 09:00-10:30 Rm. 300C
What Is Optimal Care for Post-MI HF Patients?
Chairperson(s)최동주, 한규록, 오용석
Panel 김성은, 정보영
09:00-09:12 Post MI HF Primer: Scope, Epidemiology and Novel Approach 이상언 / 울산의대
09:12-09:24 Post MI HF: Who Develop Heart Failure and How to Prevent It? 윤창환 / 서울의대
09:24-09:36 Optimal Care for Post-MI HF Patients: HF Physician's Cases and Perspectives 유병수 / 연세원주의대
09:36-09:48 Post MI HF: Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death 김태훈 / 연세의대
09:48-10:00 Optimal Strategy of Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients with AF and Coronary Artery Disease 황유미 / 가톨릭의대
10:00-10:30 Discussion
[Health Policy] July 4(Sat.) 10:40-12:10 Rm. 102
심혈관질환의 국내 관리현황 및 보건정책 개선 방향
Chairperson(s)오동진, 정명호
Panel 김병옥, 김상현, 김원, 최승혁
10:40-10:55 급성심근경색증 및 응급질환의 국내 관리 현황 김영택 / 충남의대
10:55-11:10 심뇌혈관질환 적정치료(질 개선)와 관리를 위한 정책 방향 배장환 / 충북의대
11:10-11:25 권역심뇌혈관센터 정비 및 기능활성화 방안 윤창환 / 서울의대
11:25-11:40 심혈관질환관리 종합계획에 따른 국가통계생산체계 구축 방안 하진 / 질병관리본부
11:40-12:10 Discussion
[Imaging] July 4(Sat.) 10:40-12:10 Rm. 103
New Techniques and Trends in Cardiovascular Imaging
Chairperson(s)송재관, 정정임
Panel 이승표, 이종민, 정성호, 추기석, 최의영
10:40-11:00 New Techniques in CT/MRI : Dual Energy & AI 황성호 / 고려의대
11:00-11:20 New Techniques in Echocardiography : Strain & Vortex 조익성 / 연세의대
11:20-11:40 3D Printing and Virtual Reality in Cardiovascular Imaging 양동현 / 울산의대
11:40-12:10 Discussion
[KSCP-KSC Joint Session 2] July 4(Sat.) 10:40-12:10 Rm. 202
Sports Cardiology, "The Start of Something Special"
Chairperson(s)백상홍, 강석민
Panel 이찬주, 정인현
10:40-11:00 Cardiovascular Evaluation before Competitive Sports 성지동 / 성균관의대
11:00-11:20 Can Too Much Exercise Be Harmful to the Heart? 제세영 / 서울시립대
11:20-11:40 Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Athlete, Considering Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) 김진배 / 경희의대
11:40-12:00 Cardiac Adaptation to Exercise Training 김계훈 / 전남의대
12:00-12:10 Discussion
[Smart Health] July 4(Sat.) 10:40-12:10 Rm. 203
Smart Hospital Care
Chairperson(s)김용진, 이상철
Panel 강현재, 박경민, 박성하
10:40-11:00 의사-환자간 소통을 위한 플랫폼 구축과 사례 조재형 / 가톨릭의대
11:00-11:20 보험업의 디지털 헬스케어-당뇨병 관리 최두아 / 휴레이포지티브
11:20-11:40 Emerging the importance of Real World Evidence: From “Nice to Have” to “Must Have” 김정애 / IQVIA
11:40-12:00 중환자실 생체 정보를 활용한 위험도 사전 예측 윤덕용 / 아주의대
12:00-12:10 Discussion
Scientific Session [Hanmi] July 4(Sat.) 12:15-12:55 Rm. 102
Optimal Therapy to Manage CV Risk in Hypertension and Dyslipidemia
12:15-12:35 Maximizing CVD Prevention by Intensive Antihypertensive Combination Therapy 김응주 / 고려의대
12:35-12:55 Benefits of Ezetimibe Add-on Therapy for CVD Prevention 최성훈 / 한림의대
Scientific Session [Pfizer/BMS] July 4(Sat.) 12:15-12:55 Rm. 103
Advanced Management of Venous Thromboembolism and Hyperlipidemia
Chairperson(s)안영근, 정보영
12:15-12:35 How to Approach Anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation Patient with Renal Impairment 김성환 / 가톨릭의대
12:35-12:55 If It’s All Just LDL-C Reduction, Shouldn’t We Clarify Many Faces of Atorvastatin 이장훈 / 경북의대
Scientific Session [Novartis] July 4(Sat.) 12:15-12:55 Rm. 105
ARNI: From Admission to Post-Discharge Management
Chairperson(s)안태훈, 최동주
12:15-12:35 Pre-discharge Management for Better HF Outcome with ARNI 조현재 / 서울의대
12:35-12:55 Post-discharge Management with ARNI to Reverse Cardiac Remodeling 박만원 / 가톨릭의대
Scientific Session [Takeda/Dong-A ST] July 4(Sat.) 12:15-12:55 Rm. 202
New Insights and Implications of BP Lowering
Chairperson(s)강덕현, 강석민
12:15-12:35 Differential Benefits of the Newest ARB in Hypertension 정중화 / 조선의대
12:35-12:55 A+C vs A+D, What Is Better as a Combination Therapy? 박성하 / 연세의대
Scientific Session [Daiichisankyo/Daewoong] July 4(Sat.) 12:15-12:55 Rm. 203
Achieving Best Outcome for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease with Edoxaban and Olmesartan
Chairperson(s)박창규, 임세중
12:15-12:35 EDOSURE - Edoxaban Provide Physicians and Patients Across the World with Greater Treatment Assurance 홍그루 / 연세의대
12:35-12:55 Approaches for the Medical Management of Resistant Hypertension 이찬주 / 연세의대
Scientific Session [Lilly/Boehringer Ingelheim] July 4(Sat.) 12:15-12:55 Rm. 205
A Shift in a Continuum on the Management of Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes
Chairperson(s)정명호, 김효수
Panel 김원, 전동운
12:15-12:35 The Value of Empagliflozin and Its CVOT alongside with a Shift in T2D Treatment Guideline 김중선 / 연세의대
12:35-12:55 Discussion
Diamond Session [Amgen] July 4(Sat.) 12:15-12:55 Rm. 300C
Application of PCSK9 Inhibitor for ASCVD Patients in Korea
12:15-12:30 The Importance of Earlier and Lower LDL-C Reduction in ASCVD Patients 김병극 / 연세의대
12:30-12:45 How to Apply Repatha Reimbursement in ASCVD Patients? 이원재 / 서울의대
12:45-12:55 Discussion
[Cardiac Surgery] July 4(Sat.) 13:10-14:40 Rm. 203
Comprehensive Surgeries and Endovascular Repair of Aortic Disease in Current Era
Panel 이치훈, 허운
13:10-13:25 Cerebral Proctection during an Arch Surgery 정수련 / 성균관의대
13:25-13:40 Current Options for the Treatment of Aortic Arch Aneurysm: Open or Hybrid Endovascular Repair? 최재웅 / 서울의대
13:40-13:55 Organ Protection during a Descending Aorta Surgery 김근직 / 경북의대
13:55-14:10 Endovascular Repair of Type B Aortic Dissection 송석원 / 연세의대
14:10-14:40 Discussion
[의료정보위원회 주관 세션] July 4(Sat.) 14:50-16:20 Rm. 105
빅데이터 이렇게 연구해서 활용한다!
Chairperson(s)정욱진, 윤덕용
Panel 김대희, 김지희, 김현창, 박성미
14:50-15:10 의료빅데이터를 활용한 약물감시 적용 사례 이수현 / 건양의대
15:10-15:30 Claim Data 구조의 이해와 활용-Claim Data(HIRA, NHIS)를 활용한 연구 경대성 / 한미약품
15:30-15:50 Patient-Generated Health Record 기반 맞춤 약물치료 강민규 / 충북의대
15:50-16:20 Discussion
[BESCO-KSC Joint Session] July 4(Sat.) 14:50-16:20 Rm. 205
AIM (AI in Medicine) Technology in Practice
Chairperson(s)이상형, 심은보
Panel 박형복, 허란
14:50-15:10 Development of AI-based Super-Resolution Ultrasound Flow Imaging Technique 이상준 / 포항공과대학교
15:10-15:30 Coronary Artery Diagnosis Decision Using Advanced Machine Learning Technique 김영우 / 연세대학교
15:30-16:00 Practical Guide to Clinical Data Analysis with AI 유진규 / AItrics
16:00-16:20 Discussion

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