한국 지질동맥경화학회
그외 대한심장학회
날짜 시간 제 1회의장 제 2회의장 제 3회의장 제 4회의장 제 5회의장 제 6회의장
08:30-10:00 Interesting EKG 한국지질.동맥경화학회1
Nutritional Prevention
Aging and Heart Failure
Systology Aortic Disease 3D Echocardiography; Ready to Use?)
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break and Moderated Poster
10:30-12:30 부정맥 1
Update in Atrial Fibrillation
Cardiovascular Risk Factor Management
Co-morbidities in Heart Failure, Important but Ignored
Diastology Right Heart Disease Interaction between Electrophysiology
12:30-14:00 산학학술세션1
New trend of lipid management focused on balaned statin
Novel Strategies to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk; by Hypertension & Dyslipidemia Management
Cardiovascular Protection at the forefront hypertension management
Plenary Session 산학학술세션4
A new gateway to reduce risk in hypertension; Angiotensin ll Receptor Blocker
Improving the Management & Future Direction for Hypertension
14:00-15:30 통합교육세션1
Challenging Issues in PCI - Maps and Directions
New Challenges in Atherosclerosis
Learning From the Expert (From Bench to Bedside)
Ischemic Heart Disease (1) Valvular Heart Disease (1) Systemic Diseases
Affecting the Heart
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break and Moderated Poster
16:00-17:30 통합교육세션2
Forget ABC in CPCR - Minimally Interrupted Continuous Cardiac Compression Is the Rule!
Mechanisms for the Prevention of Atherosclerosis
What Is Major Obstacle in the CRT and ICD Implantation in Korea?
Myocardial Imaging from Research to Clinical Practice Vascular Imaging Case Studies
08:30-10:00 통합교육세션3
Meet the Experts
Emerging Molecular Therapeutics
SCD and Ventricular Arrhythmia
The Future of Echo in the Era of Multimodality Imaging Cardiomyopathy Valvular Heart Disease (2)
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break and Moderated Poster
10:30-12:00 통합교육세션4
Cardiovascular Genetics and Genomics; KSC-NIH Joint Symposium
Controversies of PCI in Complex Lesions
3-Way Debate on Congenital Heart Disease
Valvular Heart Disease (3) Ischemic Heart Disease (2) Pulmonary Hypertension
12:00-12:30 서순규 교수 기념특강
12:30-14:00 산학학술세션6
Re-evaluation of Renin-Angiotensin System(RAS) Inhibitors
Expert Recommendations for Optimizing the Management of Dyslipidemia
Optimal treatment of acute coronary syndrome with Clopidogrel and Enoxaparin
Searching for the new realm of the established agents :Statin &CCB
14:00-15:30 중재시술1
Platelet Biology: From Bench to Bedside
Practical Cases in Hypertension Management
소아심장 2
Conduction Disturbance in Pediatric Arrhythmia
Case-based Learning
from the Experts
Contrast and Molecular Imaging
15:30-16:00 중재시술2
Safety and Efficacy of Latest Generation Drug-Eluting Stents and Balloons
How to Manage Vascular Disease in Various Condition
Hot Debates in Cardiovascular Imaging
Coffee Break and Moderated Poster
15:30-17:00 Heart Failure Pericardial Disease

2011년도 순환기관련학회 춘계통합학술대회 일정

■ 서순규교수기념특강
4월 16일 (토) [제1회의장]
12:00~12:30 서순규 교수 기념특강 좌장: 임종윤
Continuous Chest Compression for Primary Cardiac Arrest Gordon A. Ewy/University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center,USA
■ 부정맥
4월 15일 금요일 [제1회의장]
* Interesting EKG
08:30~10:00 좌장: 김윤년, 김준수
Interesting EKG 김진배/경희의대, 박형섭/계명의대, 윤남식/전남의대, 이상희/영남의대, 최종일/고려의대, 황의석/관동의대
* 부정맥 1
10:30-12:30 Update in Atrial Fibrillation 좌장: 이만영, 김영훈
1 10:30-10:45 What Is New in Practice Guideline in Antiarrhythmic Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation ? 오세일/서울의대
2 10:45-11:00 Role of Catheter Ablation: Future Perspectives 박희남/연세의대
3 11:00-11:15 Antithrombotic Treatment New Practice Guidelines and Recent Clinical Trials 이명용/단국의대
4 11:15-11:30 Current Status of Antiarrhythmic and Antithrombotic Therapy for AF in Korea 온영근/성균관의대
5 11:30-12:30 Case Discussion: My Best or Worst Cases in AF Treatment
김남호/원광의대, 성정훈/차의대, 임홍의/고려의대, 장성원/가톨릭의대, 최의근/서울의대
■ 통합교육세션
4월 15일 금요일 [제1회의장]
* 통합교육세션 1 (Clinical Cardiology 1)
14:00-15:30 Challenging Issues in PCI - Maps and Directions 좌장: 박영배, 탁승제
1 14:00-14:15 심방세동을 동반한 협심증: PCI vs. CABG 강웅철/가천의대
2 14:15-14:30 중등도협착과 죽상반파열을 동반한 협심증: PCI vs. Medication 최소연/아주의대
3 14:30-14:45 늦게 도착한 ST상승 급성심근경색증: To Open or not to Open! 채제건/전북의대
4 14:45-15:00 심부전이 동반된 관상동맥질환: Is 'Viability Issue’ Still Viable? 김준홍/부산의대
5 15:00-15:15 What the Guideline Tells us? 이철환/울산의대
6 15:15-15:30 Discussion
* 통합교육세션 2 [제1회의장]
16:00-17:30 Forget ABC in CPCR - Minimally Interrupted Continuous Cardiac Compression Is the Rule!
좌장: 노영무, 김성순
1 16:00-16:20 Fifty Years of CPR-Taking Science to the Street 오동진/한림의대
2 16:20-16:40 Cardiocerebral Resuscitation Improves Survival of Patients With Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Gordon A. Ewy/University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center,USA
3 16:40-17:00 Therapeutic Hypothermia: Cooling Become Hot? 김영민/가톨릭의대
4 17:00-17:20 Results of Out-of Hospital Cardiac Arrest-Korean Data 신상도/서울의대
5 17:20-17:30 Discussion
■ 심부전
4월 15일 금요일 [제3회의장]
* 심부전 1
08:30-10:00 Aging and Heart Failure 좌장: 오병희, 김재중
1 08:30-08:50 Role of Cellular Aging in Heart Failure 홍그루/영남의대
2 08:50-09:10 Heart Failure in the Elderly 김용진/서울의대
3 09:10-09:30 Atrial Fibrillation in Heart Failure, Importance of Age 황진용/경상의대
4 09:30-09:50 Assessment of Myocardial Aging and Atherosclerosis 박대균/한림의대
5 09:50-10:00 Discussion Panel: 김영권, 백상홍, 현민수
4월 15일 금요일 [제3회의장]
* 심부전 2
10:30-12:30 Co-morbidities in Heart Failure, Important but Ignored (Case Oriented Discussion)
좌장: 이명묵, 유규형
1 10:30-10:50 Preoperative Risk Stratification in Patients With HF for Non Cardiac Wurgery 최진오/성균관의대
2 10:50-11:10 Clinical Significance of Anemia a in HF and its Treatment 최동주/서울의대
3 11:10-11:30 Anti-Neoplastic Drugs and Cardiovascular Complications 강석민/연세의대
4 11:30-11:50 Depression: Is Symptom or Aggravating Factor in Patients With HF? 김장영/연세원주의대
5 11:50-12:10 COPD: Common Disease Associated With HF 양동헌/경북의대
6 12:10-12:30 Discussion Panel: 김영대, 전은석
■ 기초
4월 15일 금요일 [제3회의장]
* 기초 1
14:00-15:30 Learning From the Expert (From Bench to Bedside) 좌장: 김덕경, 김영권
(최근 임상,전임상까지 진행되고 있는 기초연구성과들의 임상적의의에 대한 REVIEW, 총론)
1 14:00-14:35 Stem Cell Therapy in CVD: Present and Future? 김효수/서울의대
2 14:35-15:10 Xenotransplantation: Where are we? 김상준/서울의대
3 15:10-15:30 Discussion Panel: 안영근, 윤창환, 임도선
■ 부정맥
4월 15일 (금) [제3회의장]
* 부정맥 2
16:00-17:30 What Is Major Obstacle in the CRT and ICD Implantation in Korea? 좌장: 최인석, 조정관
(Joint Discussion With Heart Failure and Intervention Specialist)
1 16:00-16:15 Insight From Heart Failure Registry in Korea 최동주/서울의대
2 16:15-16:30 Prognosis of Myocardial Infarction With LV Dysfunction 정명호/전남의대
3 16:30-16:45 Indication of CRT : NYHA Class III, IV Vs Class II 최기준/울산의대
4 16:45-17:00 Predictors of Good Responders of CRT (Role of Echo, CT, and MRI) 정보영/연세의대
5 17:00-17:15 Utility of CRT and ICD in Korea: (Difference Between AHA/ACC/ESC Guideline and Korean Practice) 박상원/고려의대
6 17:15-17:30 Discussion Panel: 구본권, 김대경, 최종일, 한상진
■ 통합교육세션
4월 16일 토요일 [제1회의장]
* 통합교육세션 3
08:30-10:00 Meet the Experts 좌장: 김권배, 최석구
1 08:30-08:50 Cardiac Embryology for Cardiologist 손대원/서울의대
2 08:50-09:10 Paradigm Shift to Functional Angioplasty: Save Stents, Save Money and Save Lives ! 박승정/울산의대
3 09:10-09:30 Translational Cardiology - Where are we now? 김효수/서울의대
4 09:30-09:45 Atrial Fibrillation From A to Z 조정관/전남의대
5 09:45-10:00 Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy - new Mechanistic Insights 송재관/울산의대
* 통합교육세션 4
10:30-12:00 Cardiovascular Genetics and Genomics; KSC-NIH Joint Symposium 좌장: 정남식, 조명찬
1 10:30-10:50 유전학적 검사의 기초 및 관련 생물정보학 서을주/울산의대
2 10:50-11:10 한국인 유전체역학조사사업 현황 김성수/국립보건연구원
3 11:10-11:30 유전체 전장분석을 통한 관상동맥질환 관련 유전자 발굴연구 이종영/국립보건연구원
4 11:30-11:50 Future Directions of Cardiovascular Genomics 박정의/성균관의대
5 11:50-12:00 Discussion
■ 중재시술
4월 16일 토요일 [제1회의장]
* 중재시술 1
14:00-15:30 Platelet Biology: From Bench to Bedside 좌장: 장양수, 김무현
1 14:00-14:18 Overview of Platelet Function and Drugs With Antiplatelet Actions 박용휘/경상의대
2 14:18-14:36 Platelet Function Testing: Focus on Pharmacogenomics of Clopidogrel 장기육/가톨릭의대
3 14:36-14:54 New Insights Into the Use of Dlopiodgrel: Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy With Next Generation DES 안영근/전남의대
4 14:54-15:12 The Cases of Stent Thrombosis 이승환/연세원주의대
5 15:12-15:30 Discussion Panel: 고영국, 민필기, 이상곤, 전두수
* 중재시술 2
15:30-17:00 Safety and Efficacy of Latest Generation Drug-Eluting Stents and Balloons
좌장: 오동주, 박승정
1 15:30-15:45 Promises and Pitfalls 오석규/원광의대
2 15:45-16:00 Results From Clinical Trials 차광수/부산의대
3 16:00-16:15 Clinical Experience in Korea 김영학/울산의대
4 16:15-16:30 Discussion Panel: 박헌식, 채제건, 한규록, 홍택종
대한심장학회 심혈관중재연구회 인증기관 및 인증의 소개 좌장:승기배, 윤정한
5 16:30-17:00 대한심장학회 심혈관중재연구회 인증기관 및 인증의 소개 임도선/고려의대
■ 기초
4월 16일 토요일 [제2회의장]
* 기초 2
08:30-10:00 Emerging Molecular Therapeutics 좌장: 김영대, 최동주
1 08:30-08:55 MicroRNAs (제목미정) 김순학/차의대
2 08:55-09:20 Oxidative Stress (제목미정) 김영명/강원대
3 09:20-09:45 Enhancing Vascular Integrity (Vascular Permeability) 권영근/연세대
4 09:45-10:00 Discussion Panel: 박현영, 한진
■ 중재시술
4월 16일 토요일 [제2회의장]
* 중재시술 3
10:30-12:00 Controversies of PCI in Complex Lesions 좌장: 조승연, 임도선
1 10:30-10:35 Case 1: Chronic Total Occlusion With Good Collaterals 배장환/충북의대
2 10:35-10:50 Interventional Strategy 나승운/고려의대
3 10:50-11:05 Conservative Strategy 이재환/충남의대
4 11:05-11:15 Discussion
5 11:15-11:20 Case 2: Non-left Main True Bifurcation Lesion 구본권/서울의대
6 11:20-11:35 One Stents 허승호/계명의대
7 11:35-11:50 Two Stents 최동훈/연세의대
8 11:50-12:00 Discussion Panel: 김병극, 김상욱, 김영대, 김준홍, 최영진, 한승환
■ 고혈압
4월 16일 토요일 [제2회의장]
* 고혈압
14:00-15:30 Practical Cases in Hypertension Management 좌장: 서홍석, 전은석
1 14:00-14:12 Perioperative Management of Hypertension 나진오/고려의대
2 14:12-14:18 Discussion
3 14:18-14:30 Secondary Hypertension Management 임상현/가톨릭의대
4 14:30-14:36 Discussion
5 14:36-14:48 Intractable Hypertension Management 정중화/조선의대
6 14:48-14:54 Discussion
7 14:54-15:06 Protection of Kidney 강영선/고려의대
8 15:06-15:12 Discussion
9 15:12-15:24 Hypertension in Pregnancy 이은미/원광의대
10 15:24-15:30 Discussion Panel Discussion 김병옥, 김응주, 성기철
■ 혈관연구
4월 16일 토요일 [제2회의장]
* 혈관연구
15:30-17:00 How to Manage Vascular Disease in Various Condition 좌장: 심원흠, 권혁문
1 15:30-15:45 How to Avert Vascular Calamity in Athero- and Arterioclerosis? 김주한/전남의대
2 15:45-16:00 How to Stop Vascular Aging in the Hypertensive Elderly? 김광일/서울의대
3 16:00-16:15 How to Reverse Vascular Damage in CKD? (신장내과) 양철우/가톨릭의대
4 16:15-16:30 How to Prevent Vascular Complications in DM? (내분비내과) 박중열/울산의대
5 16:30-16:45 How to Retard Vascular Injury in Atherosclerotic Brain? 박희권/인하의대
6 16:45-17:00 Discussion Panel: 박승우, 양철우
■ 부정맥
4월 16일 토요일 [제3회의장]
* 부정맥 3
08:30-10:00 SCD and Ventricular Arrhythmia 좌장: 노태호, 김유호
1 08:30-08:45 New CPR Guideline 황성오/연세원주의대
2 08:45-09:00 Noninvasive Predictors of SCD 신동구/영남의대
3 09:00-09:15 EKG Markers of Sudden Cardiac Death 남기병/울산의대
4 09:15-09:30 Channelopathy: LQTS, Brugada Syndrome 차태준/고신의대
5 09:30-09:45 ICD for Primary Prevention of SCD 오용석/가톨릭의대
6 09:45-10:00 Discussion Panel: 곽충환, 김남호, 김대혁, 김준, 황교승
■ 소아심장
4월 16일 토요일 [제3회의장]
* 소아심장 1
10:30-12:00 3-Way Debate on Congenital Heart Disease 좌장: 김용진, 박영환
1 10:30-10:55
1-Week Old Neonate With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Born at 38 Weeks Of Gestation With 3.0Kg Of Birth Weight, No Definite Risk Factor
- Norwood Operation With BT Shunt 전태국/성균관의대
- Norwood Operation With Sano Shunt 이창하/세종병원
- Hybrid Stage I Palliation or Bilateral PA Banding 박정준/울산의대
- Discussion Panels & Audiences
2 10:55-11:20
2-Week Old Neonate With PA/IVS. Born at Full Term With 2.8kg of Birth Weight, Tripartite RV With Hypertrophy, Tricuspid Valve Z-Value of - 2.0.
- RVOT Reconstruction + RV Overhauling 김시호/부산의대
- RVOT Reconstruction + Shunt 조준용/경북의대
- Transcatheter Valvotomy +/- PDA Stent 이형두/부산의대
- Discussion Panels & Audiences
3 11:20-11:45
32 Year-old Male, Large Central ASD Secudum Measuring 28mm Associated With Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. Aortic Pressure 120/70(90)mmHg, MPA Pressure 95/50(70)mmHg,Rp= 8.2 WU/m2, Rp/Rs=0.33, Normal Sinus Rhythm
- Set a Treatment Plan After Hemodynamic Evaluation Following Advanced Medical Therapy 길홍량/충남의대
- After Partial Surgical Closure, Proceed With Advanced Medical Therapy for a Certain
Period of Time and Then Reevaluate the Hemodynamics, and Decide Whether to Close
the Residual Defect or not
- After Transcatheter Closure With Fenestrated ASO, Proceed With Advanced Medical Therapy
  and If Needed, Proceed With Supplementary Hemodynamic Evaluation and Further Treatmentt
4 11:45-12:00 Discussion Panel: 김수진, 이재영, 최재영
■ 소아심장
4월 16일 토요일 [제3회의장]
* 소아심장 2
14:00-15:30 Conduction Disturbance in Pediatric Arrhythmia 좌장: 노정일, 고재곤
1 14:00-14:20 Congenital Atrioventricular Block in Structurally Normal Heart. 윤신원/중앙의대
2 14:20-14:40 Conduction Disturbance in Congenital Heart Disease 조영국/전남의대
3 14:40-15:00 Acquired Conduction Disturbance in Structurally Normal Heart in Children. 한미영/경희의대
4 15:00-15:20 Management of Conduction Disturbance in Congenital Heart Disease 이영석/동아의대
5 15:20-15:30 Discussion Pannel: 배은정, 성시찬, 허준, 현명철
■ 영상
4월 16일 토요일 [제3회의장]
* 영상
15:30-17:00 Hot Debates in Cardiovascular Imaging 좌장: 김윤현, 최병욱
1 15:30-15:45 Functional Exam Is The Established 'Gold Standard' 채성철/경북의대
2 15:45-16:00 Anatomic Imaging Is The Better Substitute 장혁재/연세의대
3 16:00-16:10 Rebuttal By Speakers Cardiac Imaging For Subclinical CAD
4 16:10-16:25 CACS Should Be The Frontline Of Image-Guided Primary Prevention 이종민/경북의대
5 16:25-16:40 Why Don't You Adopt More Smart Technique?: Cardiac CT And MR Angiography 이 활/서울의대
6 16:40-16:50 Rebuttal By Speakers
7 16:50-17:00 Discussion Panel: 김용진, 이상철
■ 산학학술세션
4월 15일 금요일 [제1회의장]
12:30-14:00 New trend of lipid management focused on balaned statin
좌장: 김치정, 정명호
1 Update lipid management focused on safety 한기훈/울산의대
2 Safety and Efficacy of Pitavastatin (Livalo®)inPatientswithAcuteMyocardialInfarction 나승운/고려의대
3 Intensive lipid lowering therapy and progression/regression of coronary atherosclerosis Kiyoshi Hibi/Yokohama City University Medical Center
4월 15일 금요일 [제2회의장]
12:30-14:00 Novel Strategies to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk; by Hypertension & Dyslipidemia Management
좌장:권영주, 성인환
1 Novel Strategies to Prevent Cardiovascular Events 이철환/울산의대
2 A Fresh Look at ARBs: Focus on Survival Data 강석민/연세의대
4월 15일 금요일 [제3회의장]
12:30-14:00 Cardiovascular Protection at the forefront hypertension management
좌장:김재형, 이상훈
1 In a Subgroup of High-Risk Asians, Telmisartan Was Non-Inferior to Ramipril and Better Tolerated in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Events 서홍석/고려의대
2 Combination of antihypertensive therapy for high risk patients 박정배/관동의대
4월 15일 금요일 [제5회의장]
12:30-14:00 A new gateway to reduce risk in hypertension : Angiotensin ll Receptor Blocker
좌장:심봉섭, 정욱성
1 Novel aspect of ARB as anti-hypertensive agent 하종원/연세의대
2 Recent advance to prevent target organ damage of hypertension: 최동주/서울의대
4월 15일 금요일 [제6회의장]
12:30-14:00 Improving the Management & Future Direction for Hypertension
좌장: 장성국, 고재기
1 EARB role in Post MI : High Dose is Better? 전희경/가톨릭의대
2 Role and Benefit of Single Pill Combinations in the Management of Hypertension 김용진/서울의대
4월 16일 토요일 [제1회의장]
12:30-14:00 Re-evaluation of Renin-Angiotensin System(RAS) Inhibitors
좌장:김영조, 홍택종
1 The benefits of RAS blockade in patients with CV disease 김광일/서울의대
2 Fibrinolysis and Insulin Sensitivity in Imidapril and Candesartan Repient (FISIC) Roberto Fogary/Pavia Univ. Italy
4월 16일 토요일 [제2회의장]
12:30-14:00 Expert Recommendations for Optimizing the Management of Dyslipidemia
좌장:박금수, 안태훈
1 New evidence in benefit of statin in high risk patients 이상철/성균관의대
2 HDL-C management strategy 백상홍/가톨릭의대
4월 16일 토요일 [제3회의장]
12:30-14:00 Optimal treatment of acute coronary syndrome with Clopidogrel and Enoxaparin
좌장:신익균, 김종진
1 Optimal duration and dosage of ACS treatment with Clopidogrel 최동훈/연세의대
2 Safety and efficacy of Enoxaparin vs. UFH in full spectrum of ACS 나승운/고려의대
4월 16일 토요일 [제4회의장]
12:30-14:00 Searching for the new realm of the established agents :Statin &CCB
좌장:홍순표, 신현호
1 The Evidence of Pre-procedural Statin Treatment in the patients undergone PCI or CABG 온영근/성균관의대
2 CCB Reappraisal : CCB as the First line for the East-Asians 박창규/고려의대
■ 한국지질동맥경화학회
4월 15일 금요일 [제2회의장]
* 한국지질동맥경화학회 1
08:30-10:00 Nutritional Prevention 좌장: 장학철, 이종호
1 08:30~08:50 Evidence-based Heart-healthy Diet and Its Personalized Recommendations: Current and Future Perspectives 백인경/국민대
2 08:50~09:10 Alcohol and Lipoproteins 이금주/강동경희대학교병원
3 09:10~09:30 Soy Leaf, a Functional Material for Prevention of Metabolic Diseases 정태숙/생명공학연구원
4 09:30~09:50 Racial Differences of Carbohydrate and Fat Intakes in Lipoprotein Subclass Distribution 임윤숙/경희대
5 09:50~10:00 Q&A Panel: 송영옥, 김은미, 김오연
* 한국지질동맥경화학회 2
10:30-12:30 Cardiovascular Risk Factor Management 좌장: 채성철, 백상홍
1 10:30~10:50 Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Beginning in Childhood 홍영미/이화의대
2 10:50~11:10 Screening Method of Asymptomatic High-risk Patients 장혁재/연세의대
3 11:10~11:30 Magnesium Intake and Risk for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases 김대중/아주의대
4 11:30~12:10 Blood Viscosity for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Young I Cho /Drexel University, USA
5 12:10~12:30 Q&A Panel: 권혁상, 김병진, 최소연
* 한국지질동맥경화학회 3
14:00-15:30 New Challenges in Atherosclerosis 좌장: 이문규, 고광곤
1 14:00~14:20 Oxidative Stress and Atherosclerosis 정익모/이화의대
2 14:20~14:40 Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease 김혜진/아주의대
3 14:40~15:00 Adipokines and Vascular Inflammation 최경묵/고려의대
4 15:00~15:20 New Emerging Treatment Modality in the Management of Dyslipidemia 김상현/서울의대
5 15:20~15:30 Q&A Panel: 한진, 성지동, 김대중
* 한국지질동맥경화학회 4
16:00-18:10 Mechanisms for the Prevention of Atherosclerosis 좌장: 정헌택,이인규
1 16:00~16:40 Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species in Cardiovascular Diseases Christoph Maack (University of Saarland, Germany)
2 16:40~17:00 Lipid Metabolites-induced Endothelial Dysfunction 서석효/이화여대
3 17:00~17:20 Endothelial Activators in Angiogenesis and Vascular Inflammation 권영근/연세대
4 17:20~17:40 TC1 and Wnt5a: Novel Inflammatory Regulators 이인철/울산의대
5 17:40~18:00 Vascular Differentiation from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 서원희/아주대
6 18:00~18:10 Q&A Panel: 김재룡, 김치대, 박태식
■ 한국심초음파학회
4월 15일 금요일 [제4회의장]
* 한국심초음파학회
08:30-10:00 Systology Chair: James Thomas,
Kyoung-Sig Chang
1 08:30-08:50 Why Do We Need Anything More Than Ejection Fraction? Hae Ok Jung (Catholic Univ.)
2 08:50-09:10 Tissue Doppler and Myocardial Strain: A New Prognostic Parameter? Kyoung Im Cho (Meryknoll Medical Center, Korea)
3 09:10-09:30 3D Quantification of Ventricular Volumes and Functions Seong-Mi Park (Korea Univ.)
4 09:30-09:50 Physiologic Basis and Analysis of Vortex Flow Imaging Mani Vannan (Ohio State Univ., USA)
5 09:50-10:00 Discussion
10:30-12:30 Diastology Chair: Chuwa Tei, Jong Hoa Bae
1 10:30-10:50 Doppler: A Noninvasive Swan-Ganz Catheter Jae K. Oh (Mayo Clinic, USA)
2 10:50-11:10 Assessment of Diastolic Function Using Novel Echocardiographic Techniques Satoshi Nakatani (Osaka Univ., Japan)
3 11:10-11:30 Assessment of Left Atrial Size and Function Geu Ru Hong (Yeungnam Univ.)
4 11:30-11:50 Gender Differences in LV Diastolic Function Hiroyuki Okura (Kawasaki Medical School, Japan)
5 11:50-12:10 Assessment of LV Filling Pressure at Rest and During Exercise Jong-Won Ha (Yonsei Univ.)
6 12:10-12:30 Discussion
12:30-14:00 Plenary Session Chair: Chuwa Tei
1 13:30-14:00 History of APCDE Tsuguya Sakamoto (Hanzomon Hospital, Japan)
14:00-15:30 Ischemic heart Disease (1) Chair: Tsuguya Sakamoto,
Lixue Yin
1 14:00-14:20 Ischemic Cardiomyopathy: From Pathophysiology Towards Cardiac Imaging Genevieve Derumeaux (Louis Pradel University Hospital, France)
2 14:20-14:40 Does Remodelling Surgery Improve Survival of Ischemic Cardiomyopathy? Jae K. Oh (Mayo Clinic, USA)
3 14:40-15:00 Medical vs. Surgical Treatment in Ischemic MR Kee-Sik Kim (Catholic Univ.)
4 15:00-15:20 Multimodality imaging for the assessment of the aortic root: Multidetector computed tomography vs. 3D transesophageal echocardiography Masaaki Takeuchi (University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan)
5 15:20-15:30 Discussion
16:00-17:30 Myocardial Imaging From Research to Clinical Practice Chair: Kiyoshi Yoshida,
Shung Chull Chae
1 16:00-16:20 Overview of Myocardial Mechanics James Thomas (Cleveland Clinic, USA)
2 16:20-16:40 Tissue Doppler and Strain Imaging: Principles and Pitfalls Eun Joo Cho (Catholic Univ.)
3 16:40-17:00 Application of Strain Imaging to Other Than Left Ventricle Kye-Hun Kim (Chonnam Univ.)
4 17:00-17:20 Strain Imaging in Clinical Practice: Case-Based Learning Goo Yeong Cho (Seoul National Univ.)
5 17:20-17:30 Discussion
4월 15일 금요일 [제5회의장]
* 한국심초음파학회
08:30-10:00 Aortic Disease Chair: Kwon-Sam Kim, Sang Man Jung
1 08:30-08:50 Comprehensive Assessment of Aorta with TEE Woo Shik Kim (Kyunghee Univ.)
2 08:50-09:10 Acute Aortic Syndrome Dae-Hee Shin (Ulsan Univ.)
3 09:10-09:30 Aortic Root Disease in Marfan: From Genetics to Management Nam Jin Yoo (Wonkwang Univ.)
4 09:30-09:50 Surgical Approach to Aortic Root: Technique and Outcome Byung-Chul Chang (Yonsei Univ.)
5 09:50-10:00 Discussion
10:30-12:30 Right Heart Disease Chair: Lieng H. Ling, Wan Kim
1 10:30-10:50 Assessing the Right Ventricle: A Trip to the Other Side Petro Nihoyannopoulos (Imperial Collega London, USA)
2 10:50-11:10 Comprehensive Assessment of Right Atrial and Caval Function Hyungseop Kim (Keimyung Univ.)
3 11:10-11:30 Hemodynamics Assessment in Pulmonary Thromboembolism Jae-Hyeong Park (ChungnamUniv.)
4 11:30-11:50 Medical and Surgical Management of Tricuspid Regurgitation Hyung-Kwan Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
5 11:50-12:10 ARVC: New Diagnostic Criteria Joon-Han Shin (Ajou Univ.)
6 12:10-12:30 Discussion
14:00-15:30 Valvular Heart Disease (1) Chair: Hiroyuki Okura, Dae-Won Sohn
1 14:00-14:20 Assessment of Valve Apparatus and Geometry in Normal and Disease States Kiyoshi Yoshida (Kawasaki Medical School)
2 14:20-14:40 Doppler Evaluation of Valvular Stenosis: Principles and Pitfalls Jeong Geun Moon (Yonsei Univ.)
3 14:40-15:00 Doppler Evaluation of Valvular Regurgitation: Principles and Pitfalls Chan-Seok Park (Catholic Univ.)
4 15:00-15:20 Echocardiographic Evaluation of Patients-Prosthesis Mismatch Seol Sang-Hoon (Inje Univ.)
5 15:20-15:30 Discussion
16:00-17:30 Vascular imaging Chair: Katsuhisa Ishii, Jae Eun Jun
1 16:00-16:20 Echo for Early Detection of Atherosclerosis Sung Ai Kim (Hallym Univ.)
2 16:20-16:40 Carotid Duplex: Technique and Interpretation Jang Ho Bae (Konyang Univ.)
3 16:40-17:00 Arterial-Cardiac Interaction: Concepts and Its Implication Chi Young Shim (Yonsei Univ.)
4 17:00-17:20 Coronary Flow Reserve: Physiology and Assessment Ho-Joong Youn (Catholic Univ.)
5 17:20-17:30 Discussion
4월 15일 금요일 [제6회의장]
* 한국심초음파학회
08:30-10:00 3D Echocardiography; Ready to Use? Chair: Tsui-Lieh Hsu, Young-Jae Lim
1 08:30-08:50 Basic Priciples of 3D TTE and TEE Jung-Hyun Choi (Dankook Univ.)
2 08:50-09:10 3D TEE: Indication and Interpretation Jeong Rang Park (Gyeongsang Univ.)
3 09:10-09:30 3D Evaluation of Mitral Regurgitation Jun Kwan (Inha Univ.)
4 09:30-09:50 Why do We Need 3D?: Case-Based Learning Jong-Min Song (Ulsan Univ.)
5 09:50-10:00 Discussion
10:30-12:30 Interaction Between Electrophysiology and Function Chair: Genevieve Derumeaux,
Seung-Jae Joo
1 10:30-10:50 Understanding Hemodynamics in Various Arrhythmic Conditions With Doppler Echo Dong Heon Yang (Kyungpook Univ.)
2 10:50-11:10 Role of Echo in Atrial Fibrillation: Cardioversion, Pulmonary Vein Isolation and Atrial Function Hui Kyung Jeon (Catholic Univ.)
3 11:10-11:30 Effect of Ventricular Pacing on Myocardial Function Sung Hee Shin (Inha Univ)
4 11:30-11:50 The Road to Sucessful CRT Implantation: The Role of Echo Tae Ho Park (Donga Univ.)
5 11:50-12:10 Best Methods for Echo Optimization of CRT: Traditional vs Newer Method Cheuk-Man Yu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong., Hong Kong)
6 12:10-12:30 Discussion
14:00-15:30 Systemic Diseases Affecting the Heart Chair: Sang-Ki Cho, Won-Ho Kim
1 14:00-14:20 Diabetic Heart Disease: The Story Continues Gabriel W. Yip (The Chinese University of Hong Kong., Hong Kong)
2 14:20-14:40 Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Is it Reversible? Seong Hwan Kim (Korea Univ.)
3 14:40-15:00 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The pivotal Role of Echocardiography Petros Nihoyannopoulos (Imperial College London., UK)
4 15:00-15:20 Detection of Source of Emboli Yong Hyun Park (Busan Univ.)
5 15:20-15:30 Discussion
16:00-17:30 Case Studies Chair: Massaki Takeuchi,
Kyung-Soon Hong
1 16:00-16:20 Cardiac Mass Sung Kee Ryu (Eulji Univ.)
2 16:20-16:40 Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Sang Jae Rhee (Wonkwang Univ.)
3 16:40-17:00 Behcet Disease Seonghoon Choi (Hallym Univ.)
4 17:00-17:20 Abnormal Flows: To and From Heart Seong Woo Han (Korea Univ.)
5 15:20-15:30 Discussion
4월 16일 토요일 [제4회의장]
* 한국심초음파학회
08:30-10:00 The Future of Echo in the era of Multimodality Imaging Chair: Kevin Wei, Yung Woo Shin
1 08:30-08:50 Echo: A Long History Namsik Chung (Yonsei Univ.)
2 08:50-09:10 Future Role in Clinical Practice as a Leader of Multimodality Imaging Yong-Jin Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
3 09:10-09:30 Future Role for Research Mani Vannan (University of California,. USA)
4 09:30-09:50 Diagnosis in Your Pocket: Applications of Hand-Held Echo Il Suk Sohn (Kyunghee Univ.)
5 09:50-10:00 Discussion
10:30-12:30 Valvular Heart Disease (3) Chair: Tsui-Lieh Hsu, Wee Hyun Park
1 10:30-10:50 Non-rheumatic Mitral Stenosis in Patients with Degenerative Aortic Stenosis Assessed by Real-time 3D Transesophageal Echocardiography Massaki Takeuchi (University of Occupational ans Environmental Health., Japan)
2 10:50-11:10 Surgical Timing for MR: What to Consider Lieng H. Ling (National University of Singapore., Singapore)
3 11:10-11:30 MR: How to Repair and What is Repairable Kyung Hwan Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
4 11:30-11:50 Early Surgery in Severe AS: Pros and Cons Duk -Hyun Kang (Ulsan Univ.)
5 11:50-12:10 Functional TR: Why Does It Develop and How Can We Prevent It? Wook-Jin Chung (Gachon Univ.)
6 12:10-12:30 Discussion
14:00-15:30 Case-Based Learning From the Experts Chair: Cheuk-Man Yu, Kee-Sik Kim
1 14:00-14:15 TBD Jae K. Oh (Mayo Clinic., USA)
2 14:15-14:30 TBD James Thomas (Cleveland Clinic)
3 14:30-14:45 TBD Dae-Won Sohn (Seoul National Univ.)
4 14:45-15:00 TBD Jae-Kwan Song (Ulsan Univ.)
5 15:00-15:15 TBD Ho-Joong Youn (Catholic Univ.)
6 15:15-15:30 Discussion
16:00-17:30 Heart Failure Chair: Jin-Won Jeong, Dong-Soo Kim
1 16:00-16:20 HF With Preserved EF: Evaluation and Management Gabriel W. Yip (The Chinese University of Hong Kong., Hong Kong)
2 16:20-16:40 Clinical Implication of Dyssynchrony in HF Cheuk-Man Yu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong., Hong Kong)
3 16:40-17:00 Cardioprotection: A New Era for Cardiac Imaging Genevieve Derumeaux (Louis Pradel University Hospital., France)
4 17:00-17:20 Echo-Based Management of HF Jin-Oh Choi (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
5 17:20-17:30 Discussion
4월 16일 토요일 [제5회의장]
08:30-10:00 Cardiomyopathy Chair: Petros Nihoyannopoulos,
Bang Hun Lee
1 08:30-08:50 Echo to Assess Prognosis of HCM Mi Jung Kim(Catholic Univ.)
2 08:50-09:10 MRI to Assess Prognosis of HCM Sangchol Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
3 09:10-09:30 Noncompaction and Other Unusual Cardiomyopathies Dae-Hee Kim (Ulsan Univ.)
4 09:30-09:50 Infiltrative Myocardial Diseases Dae-Won Sohn (Seoul National Univ.)
5 09:50-10:00 Discussion
10:30-12:30 Ischemic Heart Disease (2) Chair: Satoshi Nakatani, Wan Joo Shim
1 10:30-10:50 Diastolic Stunning for Evaluation of CAD Katsuhisa Ishii (Kansai Electric Power Hospital)
2 10:50-11:10 Stress Echocardiography: Which Method? Seung Woo Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
3 11:10-11:30 Quantitative Analysis in Stress Echocardiography James Thomas (Cleveland Clinic)
4 11:30-11:50 Contrast use in Stress Echocardiography- Adding Value to Wall Motion Kevin Wei (Oregon Health & Science University)
5 11:50-12:10 Ergonovine Stress Echocardiography Jae-Kwan Song (Ulsan Univ.)
6 12:10-12:30 Discussion
14:00-15:30 Contrast and Molecular Imaging Chair: Mani Vannan, Dae-Kyun Park
1 14:00-14:15 Basic Principles of Contrast: How do They Help? Se-Joong Rim (Yonsei Univ.)
2 14:15-14:30 Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Perfusion Hyun Ju Yoon (Chonnam Univ.)
3 14:30-14:45 Contrast Other Than Myocardial Perfusion Woo In Yang (Yonsei Univ.)
4 14:45-15:00 Future Directions of Targeted Imaging Kevin Wei (Oregon Health & Science University., USA)
5 15:00-15:15 TBD
6 15:15-15:30 Discussion
16:00-17:30 Pericardial Disease Chair: Jae K. Oh, Jae Woo Lee
1 16:00-16:20 Acute and Recurrent Pericarditis: Role of Echo Sung-A Chang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
2 16:20-16:40 Constrictive Pericardits in the Modern Era Lieng H. Ling (National University of Singapore., Singapore)
3 16:40-17:00 Cardiac Tamponade: Pathophysiology and Assessment Jin-Shik Park (Sejong Univ.)
4 17:00-17:20 Interesting Cases of Pericardial Disease Seung-Pyo Lee (Seoul National Univ.)
5 17:20-17:30 Discussion
4월 16일 토요일 [제6회의장]
* 한국심초음파학회
08:30-10:00 Valvular Heart Disease (2) Chair: Gabriel W. Yip, Kyung-Hoon Choe
1 08:30-08:50 Exercise Echo in Valvular Heart Disease Sung-Ji Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
2 08:50-09:10 Diagnosis and Management of Prosthetic Valve Regurgitation Se-Jung Yoon (NHIC Ilsan Hospital)
3 09:10-09:30 LV Geometric and Functional Changes in VHD: How to Assess? Mi-Seung Shin (Gachon Univ.)
4 09:30-09:50 Role of Echocardiography in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Infective Endocarditis Satoshi Nakatani (Osaka University)
5 09:50-10:00 Discussion
10:30-12:30 Pulmonary Hypertension Chair: Soon Gil Kim, Ji Yong Choi
1 10:30-10:50 Echocardiographic Asessment of Pulmonary Hypertension: Principles and Pitfalls Hye Sun Seo (Soonchunhyang Univ.)
2 10:50-11:10 Role of Echo in Risk Stratification in Pulmonary Hypertension? Sung Eun Kim (Hallym Univ.)
3 11:10-11:30 Clinical Implication of Exercise Pulmonary Hypertension: When Should We Meaure It? Jang-Young Kim (Wonju Univ.)
4 11:30-11:50 Multimodality Imaging in Pulmonary Hypertension Hyuk-Jae Chang (Yonsei Univ.)
5 11:50-12:10 Interesting Cases of Pulmonary Hypertension Sang-Hoon Seol (Inje Uni)
6 12:10-12:30 Discussion
공지사항 학술대회 일정 사전등록 안내 온라인 사전등록 교통 온라인 숙박 전시 및 광고